Music Instruments

ROL21,000.00( Negotiable )
  • Music Instruments
  • 26 E 23rd St, Manhattan, NY 10010, USA



    Jul 31

    111 222 3456

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    Classified Description

    This is a classified description section where you can write about your classified. We have provided an editor for entering this information on submission page so your visitors will be able to format their description easily. They can highlight their content with Bold, Italic, Underline options, they can also use ordered and un-ordered lists:

    Ordered list:

    1. Allow users to pay and publish their advertisements on your site
    2. Create a unique submission form using custom fields
    3. Awesome Google map integration for showing real locations

    Unordered list:

    • Allow users to pay and publish their classified on your site
    • Create a unique submission form using custom fields
    • Awesome Google map integration for showing real locations

    Hyperlinks, images and basic HTML can also be added here from backend.

    7 Reviews

    1. Catherine

      At first I had question – How do I translate this directory theme? Then I saw this guide for translating the theme and it became very easy to translate all the things then onwards.

      To create Mega Menu on my site, I installed free templatic mega menu plugin and I followed this guide. Easy.

      Oct 8 at 5:31 pm Reply
    2. Emma

      I wonder how to I customize the Google Map being shown on my site?

      Oct 8 at 5:31 pm Reply
      1. Samantha

        For basic customization of the map, you should visit “appearance > widgets > homepage map – multi city” where you can set height of the map. If you wish to change the other settings, visit “tevolution > settings > map settings”. Also templatic has a directory add-on named Map Cusotmizer which makes it absolutely easy to change colors to match your site easily.

        Oct 8 at 5:31 pm Reply
    3. Jack

      On Submit listings page, how to add, edit manage price packages?

      Oct 8 at 5:31 pm Reply
      1. Jane

        Did you check “wp-admin > tevolution > monetization > price packages”? Thats where you can create and manage price packages, currency and payment gateways for your directory website. Take some time and explore it. You will absolutely love the unlimited ways to monetize your directory site there.

        Oct 8 at 5:31 pm Reply
    4. Emma

      I am loving this theme already. Can anyone tell me how do I customize colors and logo on my directory site?

      Oct 8 at 5:31 pm Reply
      1. Jane

        You should visit “wp-admin > appearance > customize” on your site and you will love the customization settings there. Also if you wish to add custom css of your own, “wp-admin > appearance > custom css editor” is the place you should go to. Simply write your CSS there 🙂

        Oct 8 at 5:31 pm Reply

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